Does anyone know if this would work? I weighted mine (without the base) and it comes in at just over 6 pounds.
No, that is not a good idea. Extremely excessive in all aspects.
Excessive, yes But it is the tool I currently have on hand. I figured a 6 lbs load would probably be too much without some serious modifications. Thank you for your reply. I’ll be on the lookout for a smaller cutting tool.
I know it has been 5+ years since this post so wondering if the design improvements over the years has made it rigid enough to handle this router? Is it the weight that makes it a bad idea?
The only reason why I ask is that I have one collecting dust and would really like to give it a purpose.
Hello @ndng28, welcome!
@Autonomous created Bosch 1617EVS tool mount for low rider 3 and seems to be getting great results on their LowRider 3 (LR3).
Regrettably, I didn’t see autonomous’s LR3 build until after finishing mostly-assembled my own LR3 project with the Makita recommended by the docs. I happen to have a hefty Bosch 1617EVS too, and just assumed it was too heavy, maybe it still is for the MPCNC Primo? Hope that helps, cheers!
In both cases, going to a 1 start screw is probably enough to allow the weight, but also consider how this affects acceleration. It also does affect usable work area on the Primo by its sheer size.
It is a matter of trade-off though. The 1 start screws are more expensive just by economy of scale, and if you need to make other things bigger, material costs also go up. Given the cost of a knock-off Makita clone, or other inexpensive trim router, you’d have to carefully weigh additional costs to be sure rhat using the router “gathering dust” is really going to save money.
Another thing I noticed is that my 1/2" plunge router is getting more work now than ever before now that the CNC is up. I do large panels on the CNC then put fillets on with a roundover bit or chamfers with the 45° bit. Not worth doing with the CNC and super fast with the plunge router. The router has moved from under the garage workbench, behind the engine block stand to under the LowRider table. So depending on what you build with your CNC the bigger router may end up being useful after all.
If not… might I suggest you consider building a router table?
I am not the only one running a 7lb water cooled spindle on an MPCNC with success. You will need 1-start leadscrew(s), and that can sometimes result in annoyingly slow z moves… for which there are other upgrades to fix (it can be a rabbit hole yes).
I have a 25year old porter cable 890 router I use for “hand” woodworking, usually on a router table or with templates/guides. It also has the plunge base, a table with fancy mount, shaper bit kits, etc to go with it. It does collect a fair amount of dust, since I only do raised panels and large panel work like once a year on average. However if I put the motor on a cnc, the bulk of the value would still be collecting dust (all those accessories). Personally if I was going to do something else with it, I’d probably sell it all, including the bits, table, and bases. Then I’d put the money toward something like a 1.5kw watercooled vfd spindle with a bunch of accessories.
The only issue I had with the Bosch1617EVS is when the core is positioned at xmin or xmax, and therefore only 1 z axis motor is lifting everything. To avoid skipping steps I had to increase the z driver amps and install a fan to keep the drivers from overheating. Otherwise the Bosch router and lowrider3 works like a champ. I think the lr3/bosch would do great at milling aluminum. I will test aluminum when I have a chance. Currently building another lr3 with the same setup.
There’s another design for the Bosch toolmount:
Instead of 1617EVS Router, i would suggest you to use Bosch Palm Edge Router model number GKF12V-25