Monogram Sign

Sometimes you just want to make something for someone just because. Pretty happy with how it turned out. They found a great spot to hang it also.


Love it! How did you do it now? Stacked pockets with different starting depth? I’d like to do something similar for my school’s logo I think. :slight_smile:

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Agree. Very nice. How did you paint/stain the different layers/levels? And don’t tell me ‘very carefully’ :wink: :joy:

I’m assuming that’s 3 separate pieces?

I ‘very carefully’ designed it in 3 pieces. :smiley:

It was much easier to stain/paint that way. I put 1/4 inch aligning holes in strategic spots that I put wooden dowels through. That helped make sure everything was aligned and helped keep things together.

Each piece is made from 1/2 inch Birch plywood.