Modifying SKRV1.4 Turbo for SKRV1.4 (Non Turbo)

Hey guys. Building my dual X & Y and dual endstop MPCNC using SKRV1.4 (non Turbo) control board. The V1 GitHub only has the firmware for the Turbo board. Unless I am mistaken, the only difference between the two boards is that the non-Turbo uses LPC1768 CPU and and the Turbo uses LPC1769 (it’s clocked a bit faster too). As far as I can tell, all the I/O pin numbers are the same.
My question is…

If I use the “V1CNC_SkrTurbo_DualLR_2209 firmware” are the only things I need to change…
[]… default_envs = LPC1769 to default_envs = LPC1768

One more question… In [configuration_adv.h] it looks like the default stepper voltage is set to 12V. Am I OK to just change this to 24V?

Thanks in advance.

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Maybe the 1p3 is closer? I don’t know the new model names that well. There used to be a skr v1.3 (with no extra name) skr turbo v1.4 and skr pro v1.2. If this is the successor to the skr v1.3, then that is probably a closer starting place.

If I have read the specs correctly…

The SKR 1.3 and SKR 1.4 (not Turbo) have the same processor and general pin layouts the same, with some updates (looks like to fans) and a dual Z motor interface (which we don’t care about and won’t use.)

I am sure that I have seen people use the 1p3 firmware on a 1.4 board successfully, but updating the board definition and recompiling is a sure win, I think. If the updates were to fans the base 1p3 firmware might not work with a laser, since some PWM pins would be reassigned, but would work with the motors and endstops, so depends on use case.