Modern Control and Interface options?

Yeah. But don’t bother them unless you have tried the latest version. The v1pi is quite out of date.

Idid try the current version CNCjs desktop and the behavior is the same with respect to the workspace coordinate handling. I think it is because the host seems to use G10 to zero the local wcs instead of g92, which Marlin cant parse.

I am back to Octoprint for now. Moving forward with the 10" screen using the UI customizer plugin to make the interface as friendly as possible. This will all be moot when I eventually upgrade my control board which needs to happen anyway to get the most out of my NEMA23s.

Octoprint with as many useful plug ins as I could find will have to do for now:

I’m gonna mount this on a pole with a keyboard try underneath, but it’s usable for now.

The control buttons are still a little small, and I still have to scroll down for my macros, but at least I’m not stuck with a stylus anymore. Plus I can pinch zoom and that helps a bit. Still a big upgrade over what I had, but I would have liked even more layout control. After really thinking about it, if everything had its own tab, that would be ideal. It’s not the tabbing, but the scrolling that sucks…(and the lack of DRO)