Minimalist shelf

I needed a shelf for my MK4 and filament. I wanted to try a minimalist design that has close to no waste. Only thing that was a little annoying was attaching it to the wall, but possible with tongues and a printed mini screwdriver for the lower screws.
I opted for brackets that are a little shorter but longer than half of the board the MK4 rests on. It is rock solid (drilled the first one in the side wall).
I deleted some lines in the dxf because Estlcam does not merge dual lines. Cut with a 3.175mm 1-flute, 4.7mm DOC,1200mm/min. Will upload the dxf later.

Shelf MK4 V2.dxf (127.2 KB)


Cool simple design
But I think the bins could be a little happier :wink:


I’ll never be able to unsee it… Thanks a lot… :expressionless::joy:


I have seen a tiny little bracket cut that brings two screws to the outside. Something like this.

Screenshot 2023-07-21 072929

I prefer the way you did it, even though it takes a bit more finesse.

Yeah the brackets would make it ugly. :joy:

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Happy to help lol

There. Better.

I know this mouth… :sweat_smile:

Uploaded the files. :slight_smile: