Pictures only are attached - mini-MPCNC, bearing 624ZZ. Conduit 16mm (European version :slight_smile: )

Holy cow, looks like someone got out the shrink ray! That is awesome looks great, and had to be a ton of work!

and had to be a ton of work!

actually not too much, just your excellent design copy-pasted :slight_smile: If you are ok (basically it is your construction), I can share stl files. Or maybe later, when everything will be working - so far I am waiting for shipping of steppers and extra bearings.

Sure but lets wait until it has been tested, and please document it well, BOM, assembly ect.

Very cool, I have also played a bit with a scaled down version before, this one is for 18mm with 625 bearings :slight_smile:
I only got as far as the rollers :smiley:

Really my project is not old - it has been started about 10 days ago. But I am in sick leave now - I do have lot of time (but lot of problems as well).

I don’t need to build a 5th machine.
I don’t need to build a 5th machine.
I don’t need to build a 5th machine.

That thing is so cute though.

I don’t need to build a 5th machine.

Finally the first test

OK, the race is on… Who can build the smallest MPCNC?


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Is/has someone build(ing) this version? I started a month ago printed the STL’s and started building. First I used 15mm conduit (used for central heating in Holland) . This did’nt work so I bought 16mm conduit at the Hornbach store. I sumbled over some problems:

  1. The Z-axis lists a M8 Threaded Rod and and Bearing 608ZZ but the Shaft coupler does not fit in the nut_lock.stl

  2. There are two roller spacers. (1mm and 2mm). Which do I use were?

Does someone published his build or has experience building this version?

Regards Tjeerd

Hi Tjeerd,

it will not work with 15mm tubes - even 0.1mm is important.

Most probably you have bad luck with M8 coupling nut - it is possible to find 2 different type in a local shop in Finland.

As option I can give sketchup file - you can modify yourself according your sizes.

About spacers - I don’t remember exactly, one type for X, another for Y, just check what is better for belt.

As I know, few people had build this machine, but I have not seen any publications.

