"Manual" Slab Flattening Machine

Has any build a router sled slab flattening jig inspired from the printed parts/conduit idea? I was looking up linear rails for a slab flattening router sled and they are a bit pricey. I thought I might try to design something that uses conduit with printed housing that holds standard ball bearings (think MPCNC). Just thought I would ask around and make sure someone doesn’t already have a design for one already.

I’m looking at 10ft long, 4 or 5ft wide.

This guy uses a homemade sled and it seems to be working pretty well, considering the boards and tables he does with it: Flattening Wood Cutting Boards Using a Router Sled - YouTube

This one is a little more advanced and still without linear bearings: Adjustable Router Flattening Sled - woodworking Jig - YouTube

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Yeah, I’ve seen similar ones too. I was just thinking the conduit would be more dimensionally stable with temperature changes and such, especially when we are talking a 10ft long, 5ft wide contraption.