Makita router shiming for LR3

Just finished my first project with my new LR3 and I noticed that while looking straight on that the 1/4 endmil (and 1 1/2 surfacing bit) is slightly tilted to the right. Meaning that that the right side of the bit is very slightly lower than the left. I’m getting groves when it mills south to north. I also notices this more so when I was surfacing the spoil board. I have tried to add tape to the lower mounting ring but after 6 pieces of tape, nothing seems to be moving. I also tried to add a 2 mm 3d printed shim but that just broke the ring mount. Has anyone else ran into this problem and if so, what was the solution? I’m thinking of re drilling the mounting holes in the lower ring bracket but that may be to extreme?

There just so happens to be long thread about this

I’m using this Printables

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