
I think the move now is not us, the “hardcore maker”, anymore. We will go anywhere to find a model. Bamboo has printers that are by far the most consumer ready. If they have a half decent repository, they will grow fast. Their customers will not even bother leaving. I still have no one in my circle of friends with any 3D printing experience. My friends kid came asking questions, I told his mom to get a bambu. Bambu has quality filament at great prices as well, good machines, great prices, and what is looking like a solid repo.

Advertising comes in all forms, paying us hardcore makers to upload quality models and self sort better models seems like it is worth a lot of money. They might stand on a shakey foundation but they clearly used that info to surpass the rest. Only the hardcore maker knows how they started. And in all honesty, I thought all the prusa stuff was fully open. I have not looked into anything in depth but I assumed it was kinda like lulzbot with all the info freely available?

They came out of nowhere and blew every single printer out of the water on their first try, in quality, speed, and price. Even youtubers now, they have a voron and a bambu in the background of thier shots.

From the other side of that. If I stand a chance of attracting an average consumer maker, makerworld is clearly a place I need to stake my flag to try and get noticed.


Oh and to add some stats to that. Last time I checked, Thingiverse still sends me more than double the traffic from Printables. That is even with me not updating thingiverse in like a year and a half. So I went in and updated a few things.


I had somehow missed their import feature, despite looking carefully for it. Glad to hear of it.

EDIT: I’m pretty sure that import feature was not there when I first uploaded a handful of mine.

That sounds like a party on a Friday night HAHA

I watched a video from “the next layer” on youtube a while back where he toured several companies in china. And he made comment that EVERY company he went to had at least one bambu printer. And it was all 3d printer companies lol.

I think we all say the same thing. If you want to just open the box and print, get a bambu. If you want to tinker and build your own then build a MP3DP, or 2 lol

I printed them on my A1 which takes the same build plate. Is there something in the X1 product that limits you from using the full plate?

There is flow calibration on the front and there is a purge line in the top right corner. I have only played with the placement of the YZ plate and the purge line is in the way.

@waimea Here’s a screenshot of my A1 build plate from the slicer.

Switching to an X1C printer plate shows it should work



I am not at home at the moment but I think that I orientated the yz plate differently then you.

I only started 3D printing at the beginning of this year. I got into it because I wanted to build a Lowrider. A lot of that is due to this community @vicious1 has built here and the work of @DougJoseph and @azab2c on Youtube.

I bought a Bambu A1 because to get the build volume to print an XY (meant YZ) plate the price was competitive. I would have preferred a more open platform and perhaps the coolness factor of Klipper. I did fall into that camp of ‘I just want to print.’ My experience has been mostly positive though and I think it has been a good machine to learn software (modeling, slicers) and workflow without issues around hardware. It has certainly managed to meet my intended use. And now it will bootstrap a MP3DP V5 build where I will get to learn even more! This is hobby work for me so plopping down the cost of an X1C/P1S class machine strictly for that is out of the question. But plopping down a smaller chunk of change to learn about how they work, in my world view, that is justifiable. :rofl:

Now following all of you model posters on all the platforms so you all get points is a full time job. I started in the Bambu universe with Makerworld but now tend towards Printables. When I know that these are cross posted, though, I will try to post the same makes to each site.


I started on Thingiverse before Printables existed, but ever since, Printables has been where I have done the most posting. I started the process of importing models over to Makerworld, but while I got them all imported, they all come in as Draft status, and each one needs links edited before I set it to public, and I just don’t have time or much motivation to slog through that right now.

This is exactly what I always hope happens. And it’s awesome that it was a gateway to get you more into the hobby. I had all creality machines before I built my V4. And that build was extremely frustrating at times. But now that it’s done and I’ve gone back and fixed all of my mistakes it’s amazing. Watching that thing zip around and print 3x+ faster than any other printer I have puts a smile on my face every time. Glad to see you will be dipping your toes into building your own. It’s damn sure worth it in the end!!!


I just updated a file on all three file sites…Maker world has an optional update feature. It asks, did you change the model and want to update anyone that has downloaded them?

None of the others did, that was cool.


That is a nice feature that I have seen on at least one website that sells premium models, that I have often wished would be offered by the common free sites such as Printables.

I just sent that as feedback - requesting a feature - the more that do that the more likely it will be to turn up one day!

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O.k. first real problem with Makerworld!!! I just found this articulated bunny for easter, but to get it I HAVE to use Bambu studio and export it. That is not cool!

Is it because they shared some type of special project file type for Bambu Studio rather than the actual STL?

not sure, but most have a stl download. Must be I guess.

does it show a file list? (I’ve never used Makerworld or Bambu Studio…)

Is it this one?

You just need to click the download button here:

It will download a .3mf file like the ones that Ryan shares

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