Makerbase MKS Sbase

First, check the baud rate on the screen. It should be 250k.

After that, the serial port probably isn’t enabled in the firmware. Does the port you’re connecting it to have a number, like tx1? If so, set SERIAL_PORT_2 to that number (1, in my example).

I can’t find the baud rate in the settings.

The port is called aux1 on both the board and the screen.

On the tfts I played with, there was a button in the settings to change the baud rate and it started at 115.2k.

Can you post a pic of the port you’re plugged into on the mks? I will have a minute at a keyboard in a little while and I can look at the schematic to guess which port it is on.

You could also just try 1 and set the baud to 250k and try it.

Maybe the baud rate need to be changed in the firmware?

Here’s the TFT with the schematic:

Here’s the board with the schematic:

Where can I set the port?

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Is there a ‘M’ code for it or do I need to do this in PlatformIO and re-build it?

You need to rebuild it.

Like this?:

#define SERIAL_PORT -1//0


  • Select a secondary serial port on the board to use for communication with the host.

  • :[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]


#define SERIAL_PORT_2 1

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Marlin\src\HAL\LPC1768…/…/inc/…/HAL/LPC1768/inc/SanityCheck.h:112:8: error: #error “Serial port pins (1) conflict with LCD pins!”

I’m trying port ‘0’ now as my main port is ‘-1’

Edit: Yes! it works with Port “0”
I flashed again and not even connected my laptop, just straight with the TFT.`

Again thanks for the help Jeffe!

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Oké now I mounted the Legs to the MDF plate and I got it 99,9% square now… really satisfied with it.

I haven’t tried to connect the endstops, but now that I got the MPCNC square I want to configure the endstops. On the board I have endstops for X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+ and Z- and all those have 3 pins Labeled with S G and V. I have (4) 3-pin connectors with 2 wires. How do I have to set it up?

S is signal, G is ground V is Vcc. Don’t use the Vcc.

Thanks again, which wire goes to the S and G doesn’t matter right?

Doesn’t matter. Check with M119 before trying home.

Oké :+1:t2:… I’ll try it tomorrow.

Hey Jeffe,

So I completely disassembled and reassembled the MPCNC, the gantry was facing the wrong way.
I thought this would have been a quick job, but I had to modify everything.

Thursday I made my first text engraving and it was successful! Very cool!

I just wanted to try the endstops so I ran the M119 command and it says everything is open.

So I rand the home command for the X and then the Y, this working correctly.
Now I wanted to adjust the position of one of the endstops and then I did something wrong.
I ran the home command for X and 1 wasn’t homing for some reason so I pushed the emergency stop button in Repetier.
The tried to connect again and it failed.
I unplugged it from the power socket and put it back in and now I have connection again, but the stepper motors aren’t working… :frowning:

Edit: after a couple of minutes it’s working again. I ran the m119 code again and X2 was triggered, I don’t know why because it wasn’t.

Then a reboot, everything was open again, I ran the homing commands again and the Y axis is doing good, it levels the axis out nice.
But the X axis is giving me trouble. It homes, but doesn’t level it self out like the Y axis. What can be wrong?

Edit 2: oké I did another test, homing Y works perfectly, but homing X not.

Something is wrong with X2, it doesn’t home right on touch… it’s pushing a bit further and the it homes. So it disalignes the axis completely. I think something is wrong with the wires.

Are you sure you have X1 and X2 endstops assigned to the correct motor?

Yes I’m pretty sure, but au think it’s the wires of X2… they’re not done correctly. The wires are loose now.

Hi Jeffe and others,

I’m back! I ordered a new end stop and for now I forget about it.
I build a nice enclosure in the meanwhile, really satisfied with it!

Now I’m doing a new project, a house number sign in oak (designed in Fusion360).
I started with the engraving of the house number.
It went really well, but same as my first engraving… at the end it goes to the 0 position and drills a whole :frowning:

In the Postprocessor I told it to go to 0 at the end.
Does it mean I’m losing steps on the Z axis?

What could the problem be?

I am not as well versed in the gcode but this sounds like it might be the same thing happening to you

Thanks Mike,

I will look into it!

edit: Yes that’s it… I’m using Repetier