Hey, that looks familiar…
Wooo didn’t know the article came out until you posted this!! Thanks for sharing
Well it is now the lead story on the email updates!!! Congrats again!
nice quote here:
It was just a little sine wave in corkboard, but the feeling of having this robot moving and reacting to my motion, while the Dremel was spinning at 35,000rpm to cut the material and make my design, was really second to none.
I think we all know that feeling, I remember when I made the first mpcnc, and that was not even my design, but I felt so accomplished, I am sure it was very meaningful when you made it ALL
Oh wow, and you were placed in 20 year anniversary edition!! Even cooler, I imagine MORE peeps will by that one!!
Hi I’m hearing from seeing the email. It’s been kinda rare for me to open the emails from make lately, but the subject line was super compelling “Automatic Cuts With Compass Handheld CNC Router”
And I was not disappointed… feeing kinda giddy learning about this project
How cool is that!!! Welcome in.
So awesome!! Love to hear it. Welcome to the community!
It’s really hard to beat. It feels great to make anything from scratch, but the feeling you get when your creation begins to actively rip apart material in a choreographed song and dance - that’s a real dopamine hit right there.
I know!! It’s so cool.