LR4-Front and back not equal, flex

Followed assembly carefully but measured the distance at the front and back with over 3mm of difference. Tried to figure out what went wrong and found nothing. The beams are not touching the metal plates. I find ther braces well tightened (they are hard to turn with both hands).
Tried put pressure on the XY assembly and got some flex that keeps changing the measurements between them. See the video.
I printed all braces with 60% infill. Tightening them more did not remove the flex at all.


Yes, you can wiggle the side plate. The machine is obviously not designed to be used like that. When it is sitting right side up the endmill is pushing on it in a totally different way.

As for your measurements being off there are a few things it could be. The first thing I would say is take a real close look to make sure everything is the same on both sides. The beam to yz plate connection is the usual culprit.

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Will check everything precisely. Could it be that I over tightened the screws connecting the first/last brace with the YZ plate? Would washers help preventing nuts digging into the struts?

They should not dig in. I am guessing you overtightened and crushed them??

Not scushed at all. Just tight. The nuts dug in a tiny bit, that’s all.

The “thing” breaks the glass when drinking water. :sweat_smile: