LR4 Docs feedback/suggestions

Thoughts on adding h3 anchors for sub steps? YZ assembly section is pretty long. This would be similar to recently created FAQs. Thinking it’d be easier to hyperlink to those specific sub steps from posts like this for example…

Ideally we could respond in situations like this with link to specific Doc substep that Jonathan found.

Mkdocs automatically takes every H1-6 and adds them to the TOC on the left.

If you put too many, it can get rough.

Not against more structure, but you don’t want to overdo it either.

You can see in the MP3DPv5 docs how much longer that list is.

Yeah, I don’t want the left TOC to be littered either. If substeps can be collapsed then that may not be so bad. Personally spent lots of time trying to succinctly label each substep in my LR4 videos.

If Ryan’s open to it, I/someone can look at this some more.

Needing to link to specific substeps from a topic post is going to be a common scenario imo.

I’m sure he’d be open to anything that helps make following them easier…

Unfortunately, “easier” is not always easy for everyone to agree on lol

I’m still trying to resist reading the LR4 docs, so I’m not tempted to do something I’m not supposed to :slight_smile:


It’s a big section but not thaaaat bad right? Where do you think it should be split?

I kinda think about it like it is going to be built once, and the other info is probably going to be looked at more than once so the build section is kinda less important?? Stuff like squaring will probably get used once or twice a year.

I have some suggestions on the build docs so far. Just to make it a little more clear. Nothing major just simple stuff. Just a couple things that I had to back track on to get right that didn’t make sense at least to me. I’m not sure if that is useful or not.
For Example:

In the first pic the end stop is facing one way and then switches direction in the next pic. I’m the guy who zooms in so I can see the pics and I didn’t see the one below before I screwed it in and had to flip it. I genuinely don’t know if this is just me nit picking and being a pain or if this furthers some of the Yellow Brick Road discussion and making new comers build as easy as possible.

At least to me, its unclear what part of the pulley is being lined up? Im guessing the ribs where the belt sit should be centered in the recess of the printed part?

Again I dont know if any of this is helpful, just a couple of the things I noticed. I know Ryan has been doing a lot of work on the docs. That is quite the task no doubt.


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