Making progress on my build, have the core and the XY plates made, and tubes ready to be cut in the garage. I struggled trying to get PET-CF printing well, but Siraya support has actually been quite good. I spent a few days and many prints getting my own profile close, and Siraya just sent me their version which I hope to try later this week. I also found someone local that had a bunch of stainless 32mm tubes, so am going to be using that for the build for hopefully a nice rigid build. Planning on a 49x60" build which is as big as I can fit in my space in my old garage.
I also wanted to add that Siraya tech support has been great. We have been working on getting a Creality K1 .6mm profile ready for them to share on their site. If anyone has a K1 and wants what I used, I am happy to share in the interim. It is not perfect, I think the pressure advance could use some tuning as there are a few blobs, but it prints quite fast and has great overall quality! The minor blobs come off with a little cleanup. this was printing at 100-160mm/sec and pretty much at the max volumetric rate my extruder can do.
One thing I did notice, my build is going to be 49" wide, so a pretty wide, but not unusually large span. The rails, I am using are stainless 32.5mm (found some used locally for less than conduit. ). I did notice that when putting them next to each other, they are not perfectly flat, one of them has a very slight bend, about 1mm out of flat over the 49" (yea, mixing metric and us units). My guess is that when they are in the braces, they will be perfect, but is it work trying to induce the bend out of the rail? Worried I could make worse, but I also think these are probably more straight that what I would find in conduit at home depot…
You can try for sure. I had stainless steel for the MPCNC and the LR3 and since those are welded I had differences of 0.2 or 0.3mm ish where my bearings would not touch the rails. When I clamped the core down, they would not go over the braces smoothly. So all in all it really annoyed me. For the LR4 I bought DOM, treated it with Silbergleit and am happy.
Regarding a bend: I don’t know whether that will work but it just might, since the end braces can not really move anywhere. This might eliminate that problem.
Well, test fit everything together and it all fits perfect, no manual bending needed. As soon as I installed the braces, the very small curve seems to be taken out, and the core moves without any slack or extra friction across the entire length, so I think I am good! whatever rails I have are very uniform over the entire length, so no issues with the bearings loosing contact!