LR3 in Renton Washington

Just when you think things are going great…
I was starting to clean up the wiring. First, the x-axis motor and limit switch, stuffing into flexible sleeve. Well, the limit switch came unplugged in the process, so x-axis movement not moving properly.

Note to self: If x-axis isn’t moving properly, just in slow spirts to one side, check limit switch wiring all the way from board to switch.

OK, just put it back together, and… snap, gee those pins are super small. Grrr. Snap… OK, I guess I’m snipping those and soldering in place.

Note to self: Put a heater in the garage, because each trip down there where I have to do work with my bare hands is unbearable compared to the warmth of my indoor workspace.

Final not to self: When building another machine, just go ahead and wire up limit switches and motor connectors using soldered connections rather than pinned extensions.

Final final note: At least follow the advice in the instructions that say you should shrink wrap or otherwise secure these connections.