LR3 homing all, Z=200

I’m stuck, building a LRV3, SKR Pro, TFT E3 V3 flashed, dual E-Stops, everything from V1E. Upon home all, X=0 Y=0 Z=200? Can move individually XYZ w/ directions as expected. When running crown gcode from V1E, Z runs down until bottoming out. I removed all Z commands, XY appears to operate correctly. attempting to probe with G28 Z, cnc goes up and homes using the dual ES. Z=200 again. I’m doing something wrong so I would really appreciate any ideas or suggestions?

for us to be able to use the probe we have to home Z to Z Max. Ryan sets that at 200 because you cant move that far down. Your starting gcode in estlcam should have the code to set it to zero. Try running the premade crown gcode from the docs. Move your pen to just barely above the paper and start the code. It has a G92 X0Y0Z0 set in it that will zero everything. Also make sure to check out the milling basics page to set up estlcam properly with the start, tool change and end gcodes

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This is one of the harder to grasp concepts to begin with and @Jonathjon has it right.

The gcode you are generating is probably telling the Z axis to go to zero or in other words 200mm down. However we only have ~80mm worth of travel if you have all default parts. You’ll need to tell the machine where zero is. That is what we use g92 for, if you have a probe you will trigger it using g38.2 z0 (this tells the machine to go down to z0 until it detects a connected make by the probe) once there you would set g92 x0 y0 zinsert thickness of probe (example z1.88) you don’t set z0 here because the machine will still be elevated above the workpiece by the thickness of the probe.

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Z=200 is a somewhat arbitrary max. Even precisely at the end stops, we don’t really know the Z coordinate value. We won’t know for sure until we home it.

Marlin needs to be recompiled to change that value, I think, same as the maximum values for X and Y. So you use a probe action to determine the real value of Z, and that will change dvery time you change bits, and probably every time you change the material you are cutting.

Your actual Z value is probably 75-80mm of possible travel, but again, that isn’t necessarily your actual Z value. I have my Z value set when I home the axis to 128.6mm which is the maximum travel value, by setting up my firmware to know that. It lets me use some features I like but are absolutely not needed to get everything out of the machine. Only once you actually know what, and know why you might want it does it become useful, then you kind of start over learning your coordinate system.

So basically it is a non-problem. You will be setting your Z coordinate to its correct value for each job.

Just want to thank everyone for your help and all of the information you all provided me in resolving this issue. Every thing is working great. Thanks again!