I’ve been hanging onto a partially built LR2 for a while now (circa 2019) and finally got the time and motivation to start building it again. Obviously I’m posting now because I’ve been looking at the LR3 upgrades and I think it’s worth putting the effort into reusing my electronics for an LR3 build due to the nice upgrades in flexibility and stiffness (among other things).
As I’ve been reviewing the required parts and going through what I have it seems like I would need more parts than just what the “conversion kit” Ryan has on the store. Maybe I’m missing something, so I appreciate any feedback you all can provide (especially Ryan or anyone who has converted LR2 → LR3). From what I can find in my parts bins, I have 5mm belt but the LR3 comes with 10mm belt. The difference in strength is a big reason why I want to upgrade. Am I missing something or will I also need to buy new belt, pulleys and drive gears for the upgrade?
Any other helpful info about upgrading would be appreciated!
PS… anyone looking to buy a mini-Rambo v1.3a and LCD feel free to PM me. When I ordered the kit I included the mini, then later chose to buy an SKR 1.3 for my build.
I’m about to start my Lr2-Lr3 upgrade, will probably fire up a thread for that. Parts printed and cut except for the struts. I’m going with the Jackpot controller.
Re: belt, My lr2 works great, and uses 10mm belt as per the design.
I’m upgrading for the gantry removability, so I can attempt to reclaim some garage space when not in use
So did the LR2 ever come with 5mm belt? I don’t think I bought this 5mm belt separately, although it was about 4 years ago so it’s possible. I have all of the flat and printed parts for the LR2 assembled with motors and whatnot, I just stopped working on it before full assembly. What I have for drive pulleys appears to be for 5mm, so that’s what leads me to believe that I may have an earlier version of the LR2 kit that included 5mm belt. Can anyone confirm?
As I’m measuring the drive and idler pulleys it looks like they’re probably 10mm, but the roll of belt I have definitely isn’t. Not a huge deal just trying to make sure I know what all I will need to complete the build.
Thanks for all the replies, it sounds like I may have misplaced the belt or received an early version!
I’ve been watching your YouTube videos, @DougJoseph trying to soak up any information I can before starting my build. Thanks for the information!
The original LR may have run 6mm belt, the original MPCNC did for sure, but the LR2 was designed for 10mm.
It possible that someone built it with 6mm belt though, as it’s not difficult to do. I built a Zen 2 with 6mm belt because I had it on hand, though it was designed for 10mm. Easier than the other way around for sure…