LR2: Advice on which laser to pick

Hello friends!

I think the time has come, and we are now ready for a laser upgrade! :smiley: There are a lot of threads about the subject, but I feel insecure about what product to pick. I have worked a lot with laser cutting and such, but not on my own DIY machine at home.

We have a LR2 with Ramps and V1 Marlin.

It would be amazing to be able to cut clear acrylics and such, but my research tells me that is not possible if we do not get a specific type of acrylic/plexi?

So I guess the main focus will be on cutting wood of various sorts.

What product do you recommend 2024? Yes I am looking for something that someone can just point out for me :smiley:

/ Oskar

I believe CO2 would be the only option if you want to cut clear/light color acrylic materials.

I’ve been really happy with my NEJE A40640 and they are selling an upgraded version. But I know there are some higher power models from other manufacturers that have come out after my purchase that you may want to check those out.

There are also some new IR wavelength laser that advertise a really fine beam and better engraving than the blue diode. But I don’t think their current cutting power will meet your needs.

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Cool cool cool!

So this is the module you have?

And then there is this one I guess? Kinda big gap in cost to that one:

What are you mostly cutting with you A40640?

I have the previous version of the first link.

So far I have done gray insulation foam, paper/card stock, darker colored acrylic, and various types of wood.

I tried lighter colored acrylics but the edges and finish was a bit rough. I believe the thickest material I have cut to date is 4mm walnut.

Okey buddy! So I ordered the A40640. Thanks a lot for your advice! I am looking forward to this.

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