My son (and I) has just stared our build. I’ve been eyeing this as a project for the last few months. He’s moving from FTC(first tech challenge)robotics team to FRC (first robotics challenge). I figured this would be a fun way for him to familiarize himself with the cnc machining process at home. Things have been progressing smoothly thanks to the fantastic build documentation, and videos. I’m sure we’ll have questions at some point. We may start with a router but I’m eyeing a proper vfd/spindle becase I would like to do some 2.5/3d work and running a router for and extended period in a basement workshop would likely get old.
FRC was the trigger for my first MPCNC build with my son a few years ago. You guys will have a blast and it’s so useful to the team as they learn and design. Good luck!
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