Lowrider V3 - Carbon Fiber by Wachpwnski

It probaby won’t last long. That’s a huge point load where the bearing touches the tube. It’s like less than a millimeter square per bearing.

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Yes, I don’t want to sacrifice my tubes just yet, and I don’t even have the table built. So I will just switch to 1" stainless pipe and print up all the braces again.


Uhh… I don’t think that’s the kind of rigidity we were discussing.


AHHHH, Still I meant STILL!!!


Nice and interesting built…although I would not go with carbon fiber rods myself…not for this anyway. But hey, try it and report how they wear out :clap:

I tried them out and I can already see damage to the epoxy on them. I ordered pneumatic pipes that are 25mm OD. For the Y-axis, I am using a rigid conduit, which I am going to have to put a mask on, and polish it up a little.


Thanks for the update.

Did you get any use or did just moving it by hand mess it up?

I could see the bearings with no weight on them scoring it. I could also see getting chips on it and causing the weave to split. I was going to just sacrifice them, but I don’t want to trash them just yet. I might try, as you mentioned, urethane bearings, I’m going to have to save that for when/if I have time for the remix of the core.

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My project has been moving slowly recently, I had a bunch of things pop up, but I made progress.

I had my beam struts cut with a fiber laser on 2mm steel plate. Now I just need to cut the 25mm pipes to length, then clean all the rust off them and put wax.




That thing looks about 6 foot wide, how big you making it?

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It’s 1400mm wide, so not quite 6ft. I wanted to cut a full 4x8ft sheet. I’m mostly using it for a panel cutter. They aren’t that heavy. I think the actual pipes are heavier than the whole assembly. After this, I just need to build the table. I’m open to ideas. I kind of want to design one out of aluminum extrusions, but I might just rough one out with lumber first.


Briefly looked at AVID’s aluminum extrusion based table leg kit. Cost to buy is beyond my budget. However their very detailed assembly instructions are free to download…


To save time/cash, ended up building a janky vertically storable 2"x4" based 5’x10’ sled for now. But expect my LR3 to mostly live on a 63" x 36" janky workbench.


I would rather design my own. I think that kit is solid, but it makes a lot of assumptions and for 1400 bucks, I can probably design something that is actually capable of being mounted to a wall. I will probably do something similar to what you did.

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Yeah at $1400, I totally understand.

Given where you’re heading, I recently pasted most of my table related notes in a related Doc update request at Stumbled onto https://www.v1engineering.com/table/ , maybe others would like to as well by aaronse · Pull Request #355 · V1EngineeringInc/V1EngineeringInc-Docs · GitHub

Hope that helps!

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Pneumatic pipes worked great. I used a red scotch brite pad with PTFE 3-1 oil to strip the rust and hopefully slow it from happening in the future.

Beam assembly is looking good. My only issue is it looks like the end stop isn’t getting actuated on the left side. The core unit seems a little stiff. I’m not sure if this should be the case since you don’t really want it shaking with vibrations and such. I can move it with a firm finger.

Now I need to clean out my garage and start working on my table. I have a 10-foot piece of rigid conduit. Should I just use the galvanized conduit or make a 2-hour trip to pick up a 10-foot piece of pneumatic 25mm?


Ohhh!!! That sounds like the good stuff. I need to grab some of that. I have been using paste wax per a few recommendations, works great, no dirt sticks to it. Been using it on a few things around the shop as well.


Loosen the bottom two bolts a tiny bit. You will know it is waaaaay too tight if you can feel it kind of surge over each brace.
Or your belt might be a bit too tight.

That just means you need to readjust the belt, or you put the endstop on upside down. If the plastic piece needs to move further you can adjust the belt, if it is not hitting the trigger flip it over.


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@wachpwnski curious what material and thickness your Struts are? 1/8" Carbon fiber?

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I actually just had them cut out of 2mm steel and had them powder-coated. I think carbon fiber struts would be solid. I just need to source some panels to get it done.