Lowrider 4 is a go from East Coast of England

Finally almost finished: slight_smile: it moves in the direction it’s supposed to :slight_smile:
The next steps is to get the fluid dial set up and cut a spoil board for the upper and lower sections of the table. I can then get it all squared and trammed.
The only problem I have now is that I need to find another project to occupy my mind in the evenings.


Learning CAD (Fusion, FreeCAD, etc.)…

Now thats could be a plan is sketch up a good option?
I’ve had to retire due to disability and need to keep my hands and mind working

I am not sure, but I think SketchUp does not do the required file output.

Don’t know about SketchUp but personally I use the free version of fusion360. If you’re a total beginner with cad software it can be daunting, but stick with it and you’ll get the hang I’m sure. Personally I use the post processor for doing my gcode for my lowrider through fusion as well

Congrats on the progress! Looks great.

SketchUp is helpful for 3D modeling, which could be a key part of your CAD process (computer aided drawing). I use an older version of SketchUp, 2017 edition, and there is a free plugin that will export flat faces as an SVG file, which can be imported into a CAM (computer aided manufacturing) program, and of those the most popular one around here is ESTLcam. I have and use ESTLcam and really like it.

Fusion 360, by Autodesk, has a free hobbiest license, and it can do both CAD and CAM. I use it for modeling (CAD), as well as SketchUp. When it comes to CAM, I only use Fusion for plasma cutting, on a LowRider v3 I have a torch on. For router work on my LowRider v4, I use ESTLcam.

There are lots of videos on YouTube about all these options, and folks here on the forum are very helpful.

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Thanks for the info Doug :slight_smile:

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Just hit my first hicup The y steppers are struggling when the router is fitted, i presume due to the weight,
whats the recommended vref for the drivers?
thjey are 2 amp nema 17’s

Are you sure its the Y steppers?? I would bet its the Z steppers you are having an issue with. The ones that run the lead screw to bring the gantry up and down?

If I am correct, have you lubed up the lead screws? If you got the kit from V1 it should have come with a little tube of super lube. Put that on the lead screws and then run the beam up and down, I bet that takes care of your issues.


sorry yes i meant the z steppers don’t believe my upgrade came with any lube but i have some here anyway i use on linear rails

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This is what should have come with if you bought the LR4 kit from V1…

If you got the upgrade kit then I dont believe its included. But this stuff on the lead screws works wonders. Any kind of lube will be better than no lube for sure.


thats why i love this forum somebody always comes up with a solution :slight_smile: the lube worked a treat
thank you


Awesome! Glad I could help!

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