Lowrider 3 Multi Stepper + Endstops not working (SKR 3 EZ)

OW YEAH! THANKS GUYS @robertbu @jamiek for thinking and made an extra eye for me. I’ve got it working :slight_smile: !

It al has to do with the inverted homing direction. Because I am homing up ways I am homing Z_max and Marlin therefore triggers this one in first. So you have to switch to Z_min in the config for the Z2_steppers. It runs directly.

PS: @robertbu I’am also want to get my laser working with this config. I’ve got an NEJE A40640 laser and using the board. I’ve been reading this tread
"How-To: Modify Marlin to control a laser with an SKR Pro - #132 by vicious1 "
and lots of your answers but I can’t get the SKR 3 EZ board running. I do want to use a pinout what would suit the M3/M4 commands. Got the 12V running but the pin given by the Pinouts is PB5 for the PWM signal but this goes crazy. Can you help me out maybe?