LowRider 3 CNC mod: HIDE / PROTECT either of the Y AXIS BELTS inside metal strut / unistrut / superstrut) (v1.0)

Hey, that’s exactly the colors I used, for wood and for metal (blue and black on my plasma).

I just got a new video released showing full install, start to finish. I had hoped to have time to demonstrate it working, but the video was already over time, so that will have to be in another video.

Note: As of October 12, 2023 - the “Y1 Drive Mount NEW (print 1)” now prints without supports. Supports are still needed on the original (Y2) mount.

LowRider v3 DIY CNC mod: HIDE/PROTECT either of the Y axis belts INSIDE metal strut (unistrut/superstrut)!

Some pics of the new install:



As of October 12, 2023 - the “Y1 Drive Mount NEW (print 1)” now prints without supports. Supports are still needed on the original (Y2) mount.

Hi Doug, is there any plan to update the unistrut mod to work with the LR v4? I have the same issue with table orientation/shop layout, and need to load full sheets repetitively from the non-rail Y side. Removing the belt to load material isn’t the end of the world of course but I can see myself getting frustrated in the near future.


I have not yet done a hidden belts mod for the LR4. It is more challenging on the LR4 to “over engineer” a retroactive mod for this than it was on the LR3. Back during the beta testing phase I mocked something up but I did not ever install and test it. Being I use my large CNC table almost always as an assembly table and for things other than CNC, and frequently go back and forth, it is frustrating because I either have to continually remove and reinstall the belt, or else just don’t bother and then the belt is in the way. I may yet try. If I do succeed I will report back.

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Hi Doug,

I decided to build your table with the unistruts anyway on the off chance you do release the mod for v4.

I was wondering if the suggested x beam length stays the same for v4 (ie. 56.1 - 56.5")

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My table with Unistrut metal rail sides was built for LR3, but is now used with LR4, with essentially no modification to the table. I could have maintained the same cuttable X (which was over 49") but my LR3’s non-rail side rode very close to the edge of the Unistrut, so to fix that on my LR4, without messing with my existing table, I took my cuttable X down to about 48.5". I"m still able to flatten a spoil board that’s 49" wide because the flattening bit reaches further than the center of the bit, of course.

Below is a comparison of my cuttable area and several cuttable area values from the LR4 calculator, but the real key in the following table is the relationship between my X-rails and the width of my table (distance between the outsides of my Unistrut rails). Since my table width is right at 80mm wider than my X-rails, you can use that value to get a target table width for Unistrut rails, by adding 80 to your desired cuttable X.

Cuttable Area X-rails: Table width: Difference:
My table, cuttable of 48.5": 1398.0 mm (55.04") 1478 mm (58 3/16") +80 mm (3.15")
Calculator for cuttable of 48.0": 1384.3 mm (54.5") 1464.3 mm (57.65")* +80 mm (3.15")
Calculator for cuttable of 48.5": 1397.0 mm (55.0") 1477.0 mm (58.15")** +80 mm (3.15")
Calculator for cuttable of 49.0": 1409.7 mm (55.5") 1489.7 mm (58.65)*** +80 mm (3.15")

*57.65" is about 57 11/16".
**58.15" is about 58 3/16".
***58.65" is about 58 11/16".

Hopefully this info helps?

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A key difference here between a normal stock build and mine is I remixed the Y rail clips to fit better onto the Unistrut metal rail, and to position the Y rail in the right place. I can share with you my remixed Y rail clips, as well as my “table extenders” and remixed belt tensioners.

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Hi Doug,

Things have been coming along slowly but I have made some progress with your table design.

Are these the correct extenders to work with v4? Do the v4 tensioners bolt to the extenders or do I need to have new ones printed?

I couldn’t seem to find any tensioners or Y rail clips on your printables page.

Thanks a lot for sharing this design, really loving it so far.

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Just curious, is anyone working on a similar mod for the LR4?

I made a different set for LR4. I had only shared it by request, so far only two people have asked me for it. I will send it to you. I have it installed and working, and I’m waiting to hear back from the other two. Give me a few minutes to try to gather it together.


The setup I currently have, has tensioners that get screwed to the extenders.

I had monkeyed around with something during the beta testing phase but I never installed or tested it. If I do ever do that, I will try to post what I find out. With the LR4 it’s a bit harder to “over engineer” such a solution because of how the printed YZ assemblies are.


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OK, here you go: now on Printables: