LowRider 3 CNC, LR3 Release notes

Congrats Ryan, i Love that LR3 :heart_eyes:


Any idea how much filament?

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I placed an order for the milled endplates from you as well as the dewalt 1/8 collet adapter and realized your using a different router in your lr3 setup. I don’t have a portable router yet was leaning towards the dewalt. Will the dewalt DWP611 still work for the LR3?

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This is so darn exciting!
Are all of the files done and ready for download?

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Details should be in the description. That was just an ultimate speed test, you should not try to run it like that.

I will put up some exact specs on that. I am running 1/4" aluminum, you can go up a few more mm’s before you need to worry about changing 6 screws length. This is the catch in the calculator. My goal for today is get all this sorted out.

Just over 2kg. My notes say 2.1kg.

Yes I have mounts for the dewalt, I do like the makita a bit more though if you have not purchased it already. a touch less expensive and a touch smaller.

Yup link in the first post and in the instructions.

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Thanks Ryan!


For “specialty items” (like the linear rails)? I just saw hardware, screws, etc. No extra bearings, pulleys?

Lookin’ good!

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Ya. I noticed that too. Not quite ready to purchase but starting to shop…


This may seem like an elementary question, but with regard to the XZ plates, I’d like to mill them. However, I don’t see a flat file for either of them.

Am I missing a link somewhere?

oh shoot. Yeah cutting the leadscrews, same pulleys idlers, but you will need linear rails. I will add that.

Let me get that loaded, I thought it was with the stls but I will link them if not. There are some requirements on thickness so let me get something more detailed up.


Heffe has been helping me with the Docs stuff so have no fear details are coming.


We do know it is a huge amount of work that you have done and still have to do so thank you very much. Take a break… have an ice tea. Remeber it is suppose to be fun too…

You and your beta team rock.


I am oddly taking my time, and enjoying it. I planned on working most of last night and actually stopped and hung out with some friends. It is easy when I am so happy with the project and the response it is getting.


Nice, lets see how far we can push this counter!

I am actually working on the calculator now. The docs site has been fully updated and lazy load enabled. More product pictures have been taken and the printers are a workin.


You mean it’s not done yet :grin:
My thought was:
Use the LR2 calculator below.
Add AA mm / BB inches to the X
Subtract AA mm / BB inches to the Y
Done! Having done that, take the rest of the day off!
OLD Below this line

Is there any reason I shouldn’t print this wonderful thing with a .6mm nozel as opposed to a .4

That is what I was hoping…all these buttons and unit conversions. I’m in trouble.

Not sure I use a 0.5.


It doesn’t look like the Thingiverse link is working in the documentation. Can anyone tell me if there is a layer height requirement for the build? Thanks.

I have not released it there yet. When it is done I will cut and paste but downloading each model one at a time is a huge bummer without the “hack”.

Nope, I prefer thicker layers.

I have a question. I have been waiting for the LR3 to drop. IT FINALLY HAS. My table is 4’x6’. I have the dimensions set up and see its different that the LR2. If the table edges are rounded down, I am assuming this wouldn’t be a problem, correct? Just make the size slightly smaller than the table