Its time! We’re putting a box store gazebo over our pool this summer and I’ve known all along that I want to make custom louvred “shutter style” roof insert panels for it so we can close it off for shade or open it up to see the stars. With six wedges, each divided into two sections this is exactly the kind of repetitive task the MPCNC is primed for!
Giving this one its own thread since it could involve a few head scratching calls for help!
If you put every section on a stepper motor. then hook up a photo cell, rain detection sensor, and add a manual over ride. you could have it automatically open them at night/over cast days, and start to close them at the first sign of rain.
I had a project in my last year of school…Nano, a few photo cells, cheapo linear actuator, tracked the sun with a 9’ parabolic mirror, returned to the start every morning. Might come in handy, all hands off, super easy to setup, dirt cheap. I am excited for this I have been telling all my friends. Are you going to align the board with the path of the sun or against?
(It was for testing a pure crystal quartz glass chunk with concentrated sun, for a large molten glass solar collector)
The initial plan/thought/desire is/was actually to hide the pool underneath from the aerial photos I learned our county uses in taxation assessments (that’s Devonshire county if they are reading this…in the UK.) They screwed me and my chainsaw carving endeavours over royally a few years ago so I have no love for them at all. However I wanted the ability to open the shutters up so we can let the sun shine in and see blue skies when we look up. I hadn’t given much thought to automating the setup but why not?! I’ll make sure whatever I plan has provision for manual and autonomous operation. And perhaps on demand function via buttons or a co trolmpad of sorts.
I also want to devise a roller blind setup on each of the six spans which would be “walls” so we can extend the season a bit for the pool without having to get all ghetto like we did last year with market tents and tarps.
Well I did leave out the motion sensor with led lights, that slowly come on with motion and fade away when no motion detected. With it also set up on a photo cell so it only turns on at night/over cast days. Maybe I should stop typing it just keeps adding to your project.
Wait. Mind you, I do like Ryan’s idea you could use it to heat the pool. Ok I really should stop typing…
There is already beers in my my garage fridge for when you want to see my lights on my house.
Another idea for you Kelly, if you put flower pots at the corners and direct the run off rain water to them. You could add soil moisture sensors that would open drainage if they get to much water, so you don’t drowned them.
or what about weight activated drink coolers in the corner. Using a micro switch with a peltier device.
Have you been watching my Google search history?! I’ve been Googling how to hack an old roomba to make it turf friendly and strong enough to hold a bucket of ice.
Lol nope, Originally I was just thinking of coasters. Oh forget the roomba it’s motors aren’t strong enough. But do check out the Liam lawn mower. It’s a DIY robot mower, it should make for a good base for a cooler.
Would you believe me if I told you when I got back to the hotel after I finished carving today the family was just finishing watching Alice in Wonderland (the Johnny Depp one)?