Loss of Y1 suddenly

Hi All

Really weird problem

Lowrider V3 was running great, made a couple of small test cuts, no problems.

Next day I commanded XYX home and the Y1 seemed to be lagging.

Moved the gantry along the Y axis and it is very apparant that the y1 motor is not driving.

Metered the motor, 2.1 ohm, so it is connected.
Changed the 2209 driver, still nothing

I am using the SKR 1.2 pro standard install
Nothing weird or wonderful

Any ideas how to dig deeper and find the issue?



Double check your wire connections - especially any extension plugs.

Also check the c]grub screws on the shaft of your steppers - that both are tight and one is on the flat of the shaft.

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Cheers, i will try that

There are a number of different possibilities depending on whether:

  • Y1 never really worked
  • Y1 is losing steps
  • Y1 worked in the past, but is unpowered now

You can tell if a stepper is unpowered by attempting to move the axis near the motor. If there is resistance, then the stepper is engaged.

If Y1 is powered but losing steps, then a mechanical issue, like loose grub screws on the connector between the stepper and lead screw, is the most likely source of the issue.

If Y1 worked in the past but is unpowered now, then I agree with Dreyfus that wiring is the most likely issue.

Given drag chains and flexing wires and connectors, it is possible for the motor to be disconnected at only certain router positions. If this is the case, there is a risk of blowing the stepper driver when the moving motor is disconnected. You might swap stepper drivers between Y1 with Y2 just to verify the stepper driver you are using for Y1 is still good.

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