I have built my LR4, but none of my limit switches are working. I even took my z axis high enough to break the little tabs above the rail. All of my limit switch lights are lit and when I manually press them, the light on the jackpot controller goes out. Additionally, when I ran “$Limits/show” I was able to test all of the switches successfully.
How do I get the limit switches to actually limit movement?
They don’t limit movement. They are endstops to square your machine.
For X type $HX
For Y type $HY
For Z type $HZ in the terminal. There is also a button in the webui to home each axis.
I had to delay because I do not have a level bench. Since you asked, is there a way to manually offset z0 vs z1? As the picture shows below there is an inch and a half difference between z0 and Z1. I need to see and see to cut a couple parts for the bench that I’m building.
That is a YUUUGE difference. The offset is meant to adjust for minor (<2mm) differences between the two limit switches, not to compensate for large differences due to individual build decisions.
You are also losing over 1/3 of your available travel if you do that.
Much better (IMO) to shim up the Y rail holders so that they are at the same height as the non-rail side.
As you’ve already found out, you have to have the bottom of the Y rail level with the top of the non-rail surface that the opposite side YZ plate rides on. That’s how the LR4 design works.
My first impression is that the Y1 plate rides on the Y rail, and is therefore higher, however the XZ plate on that side holds the gantry lower than the other side in order to compensate for this. As a result the gantry should be level (or close to it) it may appear to be very different but should not actually be.
Yes. I learned that it needs to be level. As I mentioned earlier, this was suppose to be a temporary setup. Set up just enough to cut a few parts, then I would put proper rails.
The challenge I am facing is that I want to cut full 48"x96 sheets. So the bench needs to be wider and longer to have a cutting area. I have shimmed up the y rail and got it level enough to finish building the cnc.