Limit Switch Wires

Does anyone have a link to pre-made cables and the limit switches? I bought the LR2 kit and never built it so now I’m building the LR3. I need a couple more limit switches and the wiring harness for it. Does anyone have an Amazon link?

I would order from Ryan but the shipping on just a couple of items doesn’t make sense.

A picture of the cabling you currently have (including quantities) will help someone answer your question. To the best of my knowledge, Ryan/V1 has never sold “pre-made” endstop wires. He does sell extension wires that need to be soldered to the switches. If you purchased a Rambo board, the manufacturer ships some pre-made endstop wires with the board. These have a Dupont connection on one end and a spade connector on the other end.

Dupont connectors can be purchased in a variety of forms including pre-made and crimp connections. Since I don’t use it often, I struggle with my crimp kit. My usual solution for my projects is to extend (by soldering) short, premade Dupont wires. As for the spade connector, soldering directly to the switch is better. I have a Rambo board and use the pre-made wires. Occasionally I’ve knocked the spade connector off a switch, and have to struggle (due to my enclosure) to reattach it. I’ve considered cutting off the connector and soldering directly to the switch.

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Ah - so I got the “pre-made” end stop wires with my Rambo board.