Have anyone else had any challenges with lifting on the corners when printing? I’m not sure how critical this side is of the print but you can see the edges where it lifted. I’d rather not have wasted 340g of filament but.
For reference I’m using a Bambu Lab P1S with a Wham Bam PEX plate.
Can you post a pic from the side? I would think ask long as you don’t have a bunch of “smooshed” layer lines through there you should be ok. Might try washing your build plate with some dawn and hot water. And possibly upping your bed temp a few degrees.
As long as everything looks good from the sides and where the parts mount you should be ok. That lifting doesn’t look horrible.
Here’s a couple. It’s a bit wobbly when set on a flat surface but the top side seems ok. I ended up cleaning and “re-seasoning” the build plate and am printing the other plate with 5mm brim to hopefully hold things down. It’s looking good so far.
Looks like it did smash up a little bit. Not horrible but not great. If it were me I would reprint it, but I am overly critical as well. Mostly likely you’ll be just fine with it like that.
I actually think that may just be a layer defect that I occasionally get on my printer. Like one layer is slightly more extruded that the layers above and below. Its present in a couple of other layers and its all the way around the print. I’ll probably print everything else and if I have some extra filament I’ll probably reprint this part.
I printed mine also on a Bambu P1S but with the Bambu smooth PEI plate. From looking at your mid-print picture I want to point out two things.
It looks like the wrapping happened on the side that is facing the auxiliary fan in the print chamber. I had similar wrapping issues with other prints and all of them happens when the aux fan was on (default in the Bambu profiles). I turned the aux fan of for almost all my prints and never hab issues again.
If the aux fan is off for the print, ensure that there is no dirt on the build plate. I always clean them with methylated spirit before a print.
I think you’re right with that. I checked my print with the brim and while it stuck down much better, it did have some slight lifting on the very edges, especially near the fan. I will try turning the fan off for future prints and clean with isopropyl between. I think this one is plenty usable as I don’t see any defects and the lifting is very minor. Only thing I saw was 1 thicker layer caused by the printer pausing for 5 hrs when the AMS jammed and I wasn’t there to fix it for a while.