That’s a huge shop and looks like a great place to spend some free time. Very cool to see all these spaces we all work in.
I’ve read through that instructable before. I know these belt grinder/sanders have been popularized by the cult of knife makers but they’d be great for any metal work I’d imagine too with the reduced heat in the process and the spring in the belts. Very cool.
The panoramic makes the shop look bigger than it is.
I mean… it’s not exactly small, but I have friends with shops that are bigger. This one is 26’x50’ on the inside.
That’s much bigger than my 20x30 garage
Much bigger than my 16x10’ shed
Very great work spaces. I think I need to buy a motor home and install an MPCNC and then drive around to all these neat shops while making a mess.
mobile mpcnc tech support!
I might as well also go to all of the maker faires when/if they come back next year.
That’s larger than many folk’s homes.
I like that heater. I have one that looks all but identical but it’s only 5000w. Never seen them in 7500w but i’d sure like to have one. At 5000w, I figured it roughly costs $1 an hour to run it continuously on high.
It is great for quick clean heat. I have mine on a 35ft cord and it follows me around the garage if i’m only going to be out there for an hour or two. I sit it on a chair close to me and bathe in it’s gentle warm breeze.
I got this one from princess auto (kinda like a harbor freight store), it’s a fair bit larger than the 4800w I had before, about double the size, and no cord, it has to be wired direct.
Lol, my workshop looks totally ridiculous compared to your factories, I soooooo wish I could have that kind of space…
My workshop is really, really small, without all my benches it would barely be wide enough to fit a car. So that means the only way for me is to keep it very organized, densely packed and with multifunction stuff.
But despite its size it features almost everything, so I guess that’s what really matters in the end.
My very special workbench is good for any kind of woodworking and also for doing electronics, I have a lathe, a CNC router, 2 delta printer, the giant one I just made, a laser cutter, welding gig, many power tools, a plasma cutter, a metal foundry and a quite organized storage system… Basically almost everything I really need (but I trust myself for coming with new needs soon )
It used to be a total mess but now I took the habit of cleaning and putting back the tools every time I finish an important task of any project, it was hard for me to change my bad habits but I found out it helps tremendously with motivation, you are more inclined to get things done in a clean and well organized shop (even though it is not really clean on those pics, I was in the middle of a project actualy.
I like it, I’m jealous of your higher ceiling
This proves you don’t need a huge shop to be productive and creative. Thanks for sharing.
Build a mezzanine in there! Add a narrow ladder that can lift out of the way, and you’ve got even more storage for even more stuff!
I’ve taken over a small spare room in our basement. We actually tried looking at moving in part an effort for me to get a shop or garage, but the housing market in my area is insane right now. Anyway I have a gigantic 4x4 mpcnc, that I’m trying to change over to a lowrider, just haven’t got to it. Anyways, I get to play around. So I’m thankful.
I just rent there unfortunately, otherwise I would have gone full crazy with some kind of electric lifting storage system using metal cables to store my two motorbikes near the ceiling, to free all the floor space.
Still a bit of a pit, but don’t want to let “perfect” be the enemy of “good .”
From the door:
And from the back corner:
And then under the stairs, otherwise known as “project purgatory” …
There’s a really nice lumber cart back there if I could only get to it…
And it’s not a shop without pegboard, right?
About 5 years ago I put up the pegboard over where the counter is, with masonite below, pulled out the fiberglass batts in the bay ends and replaced it with 4" of rigid foam with expanding spray around the edges, then sprung for the Harbor Freight sprayer and shot a coat of primer and then a coat of eggshell white over the concrete walls and up into all the open floor joists, ductwork, wiring, pretty much everywhere. Then I about doubled the number of overhead fluorescent lights. I’m constantly amazed at how much more pleasant it is to step in with the white than it was with the gray.
All the cabinetry is either from the Habitat ReStore or from our local university’s surplus sale warehouse. The countertops were a ReStore score - they fit in the corner and around the end of the L (under the Burly) without my having to make a single cut. I’ve since added 5 shop air drops in here and one upstairs to the garage running of an 8 gallon compressor.There was already a main run and a couple of 4" PVC drops for dust collection. One of the big fiber drums is destined to get a Thien baffle as part of reworking the Harbor Freight DC, and I may try to get the blower and the compressor into some sort of sound deadening enclosure in the corner, but that doesn’t feel urgent to me. I don’t have an itch to do any welding, so I think the shop is capable of everything I want to be able to do in it. A sink would be nice, but there’s no provision for a drain and I haven’t wanted one bad enough to check on whether those “pump up” style sinks are code here locally.
I just wish it were better at cleaning itself up.
Tom, that looks amazing!!!
Thank you.
Wonderful the black hole is a nice touch to