Laser: NEJE A40640 versus new NEJE E40 - thoughts?

I’m running the triple input

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Hi there Luke

Just tried printing this but my slicer (cura 5) is telling me that the added flat plate isnt attached to the ring. theres a hollow void in it. Did you see this with yours?


I didn’t see that in PrusaSlicer, and couldn’t replicate in Cura 5.2.1 however I’m not terribly surprised since I literally just tacked that box on the existing STL, overlapping the existing geometry.

I’ve repaired the model in Fusion 360 and re-uploaded to Printables, did a full re-wrap which should clean up such internal structures. Let me know if it doesn’t fix the issue for you.


Oh wow, I appreciate that. Let me look later and get back to you.

I take it you are pretty well versed and competent at that stuff? It took me 3 hours just to remix the other mount to make it longer- I wouldn’t even know where to start to fix something like that

Appreciate it

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Thank again

I threw the new file into Cura 5 and it looks great. Then i pulled it into tinkercad and made a bad attempt at adding holes that fit the neje mount. I think i got it right, then i checked again in cura 5 and its all good.

have it printing now. 2.3 hour run. ill let you know how it went at 10.45, lol


Good to hear it’s better than the first version. I’ve been messing with CAD/CAM mostly for hobby purposes for about 10 years on and off, still muddle my way through a lot of it; break a lot of stuff, learn from that, break a few less the next time, rinse/repeat. :smiley:

Best of luck on that print! Let me know if you have trouble with the neje changes, I’m happy to take a stab at repositioning them if I can get measurements or a reference of the neje mount.


Works great. Thanks for the help!

Hopefully this gets rid of the shakes I was getting with my remixed cantilever arm. So stupid lol


Very happy with the new mount!


Do you have the stl uploaded for your remix? I have a neje laser and would love to have a step file or stl to remix and use myself

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He mentions it in his thread:

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I mean the last one, without the lever arm, I can’t seem to find any links for that one

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The flat part on the lower ring mount with the neje hole spacing. Sure. Let me look and I’ll send them. I don’t have a printables account or anything

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I could create the item in printables for you if you don’t mind or don’t want to create an account, I do have an account there.

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I might make an account and upload it as a remix to the original.

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Whatever you prefer, thank you in any case!


here you go


Thank you very much, you’ve actually motivated me to create a remix of my own to use a velcro cable tie and make a hole for an m8 insert so I can mount the dial indicator to the machine using tinkercad, It was not that bad at all! I’ll publish them today surely


Hello People,

I’ve been researching a little bit about Laser (mostly the NEJE A40640 and the E40) and far from being an expert, I would say it seems like:

  • The E40 is less powerful and accurate but can withstand low volume production for a small business compare to the A40640.
  • The A40640 is more powerful and accurate but tend to overheat quicker.

Any update on this trend? What y’all I’ve been doing with your laser lately and would you still grab NEJE?

Peace & Blessings fellas.

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I’m sure it is listed above somewhere, but one benefit of the A40640 is greater potential working distance. You can adjust the lens to adjust the focus distance. I do some larger projects using less than perfect wood, and a larger working distance is very helpful.

I also noticed that the current version of the A40640 has an additional cooling fan (two total) that did not come with mine. I expect that will make a difference wrt overheating.

The one problem I’ve had with my module is some charring on the connector to the interface/transfer board that had to be solved by reworking how power is supplied to the laser. This charring happened twice, so it is a weakness in the design (of my now dated) setup.

would you still grab NEJE

If I was looking for the power level of these two laser modules, NEJE is a good choice. It was plug-and-play on my Rambo board. I have to admit that the four, six, and eight diode laser modules have been calling. Larger projects can take a long time with my current module.