Kobalt Dust Extraction w/ integrated 3D printed touch probe

Hey everyone,

my first post! I finished my build of a larger MPCNC a couple weeks ago and made some tweaks, it’s mostly meant for cutting plywood/PC sheets so it’s low-Z but large. Thought I’d post of the mods here in case anyone is interested.

I reimplemented the idea of using the upright tubes as dust extraction “channels” to work my Kobalt router.

I’ve also recently become aware of a 3D printed implementation of a “renishaw-style probe” that is meant for registering multi-toolhead offsets in 3d printing but works as a CNC touchprobe.

A couple caveats:

  • my Z is adjustable (Z tubes going through table) but usually < 50mm so dangling the shopvac tube off the top doesn’t seem to cause a lot of problems,
  • removing the bit is definitely harder than without dust extractor but I don’t swap a lot,
  • the touch probe is still very experimental and I’ve had to order copper-screws for the maxwell/switch coupling (still in the mail) as my stainless ones need pressure to make good contact and even that only after sprinkling graphite on them,
  • mmmh, the top splitter ended (unintentionally!) looking… “funny”.

(Sorry I can’t properly attribute with links as I’m a new user)

The original inspiration was this dust collector design by devindreb:
thingiverse thing:3784175

I’m just reusing the touchprobe designed by zruncho for 3d printer multi-nozzle alignment:
github zruncho3d/nudge

The design is in Onshape and I usually eventually upload to GitHub when I feel it’s ready but I can’t post links yet as a new user.


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