Just wanted to say wow

Decided to build a Primo this week. I don’t need one, I’ve already got a LR and a Burly but I was rebuilding the Burly’s table and decided to rewire it. At that point I had everything apart and said well might as well at least swap the core. 100+ hours later the last parts are rolling off the Ender and all I can say is Wow.

Every part is a work of art. The single piece trucks are beautiful. I never would have imagined you could do something that complex in a single print. @Ryan you really outdid yourself on this one and I just wanted to say it out loud.

Thank you.


Thank you!
When I am having fun with them I really like to push some limits.

You should see the new mp3dp Z bed support part. No joke I still look at it like once a week and figure out how I did it, and if I could actually change much.

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Really keep considering a mosaic pallet or something so I can add in some color changes…That could be really fun,.

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You should check out the LowRider 3 core, it’s insane. :smile:


I remember thinking the same thing when I printed my MPCNC parts a few years ago. I have never 3D printed anything so nicely designed / polished. Have been a fan ever since.