Jamie's LR4 RC2/RC3 Upgrade

@jamiek, able to share .stl mounts for your PETG filament Jackpot LED pimp kit? Accepting recommended donations or royalty fee :slightly_smiling_face:?

These are supposed to be temporary until Alu, but will be handed down to James, so may as well sand, shellac (2 coats), acrylic color fill, wipe clean and try Jamie’s LED pimp mod.


Here’s the model for the case with PMMA light pipe accessories and the OpenSCAD model.

jp_case_v1.zip (334.5 KB)

Print the test piece “t1” to determine the optimum size in each orientation for your particular fiber (and your particular printer). Then change “vert_hole_size” and “horiz_hole_size” to the values that you found.


vert_hole_size is for holes that are perpendicular to the layer lines of the print.
horiz_hole_size is for holes that are parallel to the layer lines of the print.

Going parallel to the layer lines is preferred because (I think) it is smoother.


Note, these two screws poke out the bottom of the case and will collide with the bottom strut plate, so you must use short screws, or you have to make clearance holes in the bottom strut plate so the screws don’t crash.

Ryan’s case hangs off the edge so it doesn’t have that problem. I went with a different choice.


Thank you for the files and tips @jamiek!

Trying out with couple of minor edits, e.g. print ‘C’ lid parts connected to self support. Shared with Beta folks at https://github.com/aaronse/v1e-vnext/blob/main/lowrider4/mods/vector76-case/jp_case_v1(aza).scad. Cheers!

Edit: the panel supports broke away perfectly, neat design!


I caved and bought fibre optic cables… 5m with black coating, 5m clear. I hope I can get it to work with my board. Otherwise I still have a jackpot. :yum:


@jamiek, does your enclosure have a name? Got a public repo I can link to or planning to put on https://www.printables.com/@Jamie/models ?

Planning to share how I used your case design for my build, hope that’s OK?

Yeah, I think will post both to Printables and github and make a web customizable version. Let me get this together with a simple version first, then I can update with a customizable one that doesn’t require cutting.


Ok here it is on Printables:


Thank you Jamie! Am planning to remix slightly:

  • Support asymmetric left and right widths from center instead of mirror.
  • Raise height near the Strut.
  • Align light tube holes to line up with sketchy sketch on my custom Strut.
  • Maybe support flat panel that follows brace curved contour.

Will put these on hold until I see your updates.