Jackpot WiFi STA mode

I remember, I just looked it up, thanks. It was one of the posts that made me want to build a LowRider in the first place. :slight_smile:

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When we get some decent light, I’ll take some pictures of the finished structure, which has been doing fine for several years now. Maybe you’ll get re-inspired.

I’m totally into building Real Useful Things and clever solutions to problems with tools like this.

Making ordinary things beautiful along the way is a bonus!

The MPCNC was the thing I decided to make with the Creator Pro I bought 10 years ago, and my introduction to the wonders of CNC.

The LR was the Pandemic project. As I was finishing that build and wondering what to do with it, my buddy said “you should build a greenhouse.” A week later I’d designed the arched roof, whereupon he said “you’re never gonna build that. You can’t build that.”

Game on.

Since then I’ve acquired Bambu X1C, Langmuir, and a BOSS laser. Man Oh Man, the Bambu printed all of Primo over one weekend. Perfectly. Looking forward to once again having functional MPCNC and LR.


To avoid cross posting, I will just link here to my recent post there:

I had trouble as well. The antenna is a bit weak/finicky it seems.

Did two things:

  1. Made sure no wires obstructing/obscuring the the ESP board by neatening up my case/wiring.
  2. Moved a WiFi satellite to a different spot in my shop, closer to the controller.

Since then haven’t had any issues.

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