Jackpot Support for Dual Endstops and Octoprint?

I am a little confused on whether the Jackpot CNC board supports dual endstops or not? I don’t see the jackpot board mentioned on the Marlin Firmware page:

I also wanted to know if the Jackpot board works in Octoprint. I am using Octoprint with my Ender 3d printer and it is simple and works. There is a plugin named “Better GRBL Support” for Octoprint and I was wondering if anyone has any experience using it with the MPCNC and Jackpot board.

I will have an old flatscreen lcd and keyboard and mouse attached to the Pi 4 in a pullout drawer under the MPCNC which will be connected to both the 3d printer and the MPCNC so I don’t need the Skr Pro board and LCD.

Jackpot does support Dual Endstops. But I’m not sure octoprint will work. It does have its own WebUI that is pretty good.

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Probably because the Jackpot board runs FluidNC, not Marlin… :wink:

ESP-32 brain, not the ARM32 that I think drives most of the Marlin boards.