I’m trying to setup my new jackpot board for pwm control of my 40 Watt laser power supply, which enables at a low condition and output control from a 0-5V signal.
So, right now I’ve got the enable pin set to gpio.27: low and the output pin set to gpio.26. But for the life of me I can’t seem to get the PWM to work on gpio.26. Whenever I run an M3 S1000 command, I can see the lit up gpio.27 LED go dark but no light on the gpio26 LED. Even attempting to measure the gpio.26 pin to ground with a multimeter reads 0V…
I thought maybe I had a defective board at first, but reversing the enable and output pin in the config actually swaps the condition between gpio.26 (light that is constantly on and turns off with M3) and gpio.27 (No light or voltage whatsoever with M3). Lastly I’ve tried increased by PWM HZ to 500000 with no luck.
I’m at a loss and any help would be very much appreciated
The laser section of my config file is as shown below.
Oddly enough, when I assign gpio.27 as a user defined anolo0 pin at 5000hz the PWM works just fine when I run a M67 command. Q50 gives me 2.5 volts and Q100 gives me 5 volts. It proves to me that nothing is wrong with my hardware but I’ve got no idea why the Laser Output pin is failing…
Can you post the specs on your laser module?
Most lasers modules the community use take a PWM signal.
If your module really needs 0-5V (analog) as a control signal, you’re not going to get that out of a jackpot without some additional work.
Did your module come with an interface /test booard, or just the laser module?
Actually just now figured it out. I can’t run M3 alone to test the laser as the firmware has a built in safety feature. I have to place the system into a G1 feedrate mode first and then I can run M3 accordingly. She seems to be working just fine now!!
This is what I’m interfacing with a DGHUNST 40W laser tube power supply. Again, now that I figured out the G1 mode problem, everything seems to be working now.