I am really struggling to get FluidNC to work on my ESP32-WROOM 32. I have stripped it down to the basics. I have 1 A4988 set for the X axis. I currently have it on a bread board with just the driver and the ESP32. Nothing else.
So, 1 A4988, 1 ESP32-WROOM 32, 1 100uf Capacitor and the wiring on a bread board. I can’t get the axis to move at all with the terminal or with UGS. However, if I put my hand near it, the motor picks up my hand and the motor will turn. So I know the driver works. I have tried pull up, pull down, no pull.
I an confused by the Disable pin as everywhere else it is referred to as an enable pin, but I have tried every combo I can think of there.
Anyone have any ideas? I am about to throw it out and go back to Klipper or an Arduino, those I can get to work.
so, if I remember correctly, there is something that does not allow this to work. I think I saw that on the fluidnc discord.
compatible hardware can be found here.
In here you will find that we are a little bias to the Jackpot being the number one board
I totally understand that. I am sure it is a great board. However, I am very hard headed and determined. I have played with it all day and I now have it working using the “Forbiden” combo.
I have an Acebott ESP32MAX-V1, an ESP32-WROOM 32 in an Arduino form factor. On top I have a CNC Shield V3.
Come to find out, one of my issues was with poor solder joints on the CNC Shield. So, now I will remove the A4988s and get it running on TMC2208s.
Not sure if this helps or not.