Issue Flashing Marlin on Mega 2560

I was successfully able to flash Marlin onto my Arduino Mega 2560 R3 with the Ramps board. However, now when I plug it in via USB it no longer recognizes it on what was previously COM3. Any ideas for what may have happened?

Your computer sees it as a new board, so it has a new com port. Check your device manager and you’ll see which one it is now.

After I successfully flashed it, I connected the 12v 5amp power supply to it. Now Windows won’t recognize it as being plugged in at all. Did I potentially fry the Arduino?

Update: I got tired of futzing around with it and ordered a miniRambo from the shop. If anyone would like a potentially broken Arduino and a (hopefully) still working Ramps board with drivers, let me know.

The 12V supply connects to the RAMPS, not to the Arduino. The Arduino only likes the USB power or a (9V maybe?) plug in supply. 12V will do nasty things…

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I connected the 12v adapter to the RAMPS board and had a USB connected to the Arduino. Now none of my machines will recognize it as being plugged in. Though, I am getting power across the potentiometers, so maybe my RAMPS board is fine.

On one of my Mega’s I have to disconnect it from the ramps shield in order to flash it. I’m not sure why, but it works.

I am not too fond of having the RAMPS powered up while I am flashing. I usually disconnect all Motors(not the drivers) ,LCD and the power and just plug in a USB to the arduino. Besides one time, when I used an old/too long USB cable, that worked without a hitch.