Is this a stupid idea? (LR2 aluminum y-plates with built in heatsink)

Wow, nice Alu parts. Never owned a LR2. Am selfishly hoping folks that upgraded from LR2 to LR3 will chime in and convince you to come join the LR3 party. Am selfishly hoping to see what cool mods you come up with and share for LR3 :stuck_out_tongue:

Cleaning and lubing my EMT conduit and leadscrews helped enable my rapids to go ~30% faster before skipping. 24v instead of 12v with SKR Pro 1.2 TMC 2209’s helped too.

In a dusty, humid environment? Is covering between usage worth doing, if not covering already?

Seen @tgm022861’s LR2 mods (and LR3 for that matter) @ Modified motion control on Y-axis - #6 by Fabien ?