Identifying the proper Z touch plate location

Im having trouble identify Z min to put my touch plate input also I will show the ports so it can be done visually.
Right now it’s confusing to read for me. What I have in that particular port is a z endstop which has me curious :face_with_monocle:

I’ve highlighted the Z min plug with the blue rectangle, and the two pins to be used for the touch plate in the yellow rectangle. Of the three pins, you want to use the two lower pins as indicated in the rectangle You want to avoid the top pin (3.3V) since it can result in shorting power to ground.

While the touch plate will work either way, I suggest wiring the lowest pin to the plate and the other one (middle pin) to the clip. This will avoid a rare issue.

Thank you

Where does my Z endstop go if it’s already there ?

Here is the wiring for endstops:

This diagram is clipped from an image on this instruction page.