I bought a bandsaw. And then another one

That’s looking really good. So much better built than some of the new crap.

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[Image of a really beautiful bandsaw]

Okay, besides of a few places where minor touch-ups are needed, I’d say the painting is done.

Looks great, don’t you agree? :sweat_smile:

Pics or it didn’t happen


Working on the saw blade guide. The one currently installed is for cutting metal.

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Changed a few things, testing the fit of the coupling. When I have such a massive beam, why not use it…


Mmmm… Hammerite… IMO, the best workshop paint, ever.


Totally agree, love that blue especially. And every idiot can get a good looking surface finish with it, just so easy to work with. Slather it on whatever surface, boom, you’re done. :smile:

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Are you 3d-printing a blade guide ?

The load is minimal on them and I figured we are printing CNCs… Should be fine. :slight_smile:

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Might get a bit warm though… :thinking:

If done right the sawblade should not really touch the guides, only a little. We’ll see about that. :smiley: At the moment the guide is a hunk of metal. :smiley:

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You are correct of course - the bearings shouldn’t get hot.

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Not 100%, but works for now. :slightly_smiling_face: I might need to print another one for smaller sawblades, but that’s in the future. :sweat_smile:


It’s just too great I bought the metal bandsaw accidentally. The Metabo 1688 I bought had messed up rails, the owner’s granddad cut the pipes with an angle grinder and it looked like shit. Now it looks better at least. :slight_smile:


I was finally able to procure a manual (loooong story). So if you want to read a German manual that is nearly as old as the US, here you go: Kölle BSM 40.pdf - Google Drive


I installed a parallel fence as to make it easier to resaw wood and to be able to cut very thin wooden pieces, and what shall I say: it works!

What I can also say is: drilling through 2cm of cast iron takes quite a while. Since I was doing it while squatting (weird table height) and was concentrating so much I didn’t notice how exhausting it was. I had sore leg muscles for three days. It really hurt. :smiley:

The dark green clashes with the blue, but what shall I do? :frowning:

2mm, no problemo!