How to set up test cuts?

Legs? You mean on the z axis? I thought you meant the corners, but I am not sure you can make those any lower.

He’s messing with you, first pic looked tall, it’s not. It looks good.

Technically, I’m messing with Philipp, but yeah, the legs are fine.

Here is the first test. 3mm and 6mm doc at 500 to 1200 mm/min.

Videos in next posts

Here is the 3mm doc video.

And 6mm doc. I didn’t pay attention to the vector order, so it starts with 1200 and goes down from there.

Change your settings to climb milling. That sounds horrible with conventional?

Something is very wrong there. Is that a collet insert? You need a real 1/8" collet. Either that or your build is super loose.

That sounds awful. Can you upload a picture of your entire build please.

Here is my build log. The only change I have made since then is to move to the Jackpot board. The Jackpot made the stepper movements quieter, but not the cutting.

As in the cutting is the same noise or worse?

Looking at your build log did you solve the issue you were having? It looks like you have a stepper that might not be connected properly. That would explain why it is acting like it is super loose.

If you power on the jackpot, can you move any of the XY steppers a little bit?

This should not happen at all. This is a sign of a loose grub screw, a stepper that is not running properly (at all or a bad connection), or a gantry that is very loose.

That was the cut before I tightened the belts and upped the current. This is the last one.

Yes, I did have a loose stepper connection. Besides the noise, it is cutting well. My collet was ordered from you. As far as climb, that is how I set it up, but I will verify it is actually going in the correct direction. For cutouts, it is a slot cut anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. I can’t feel any play. What or how should I check this?

The slots sound fine, it is the opening up pass that sounds off. and you can see the vibrations on the second video. Are the walls smooth? Try that same cut with twice the RPM. Something isn’t right.

What is that?

Maybe the collet is installed upside down? I flipped it over, maybe a little better. This video is 800mm/min then 700 at 6mm doc.

I am surprised it worked that way at all.

What RPM?

Single flute, upcut? New or old?

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RPM is between 1 and 2 on Makita. I was at 3-4 andnthe only difference I notice is more fur in the cut and maybe bigger chips. Single flute upcut bit. I have two bits and will try the other one. I also have a couple of longer 2 flute bits an 1/16 and a 1/4 in all single flute upcut.
I can move the x and y axis and get it to skip steps without pushing too hard, but I don’t think it is skipping steps during cutting. Sidewals are straight with no stair stepping. I can’t feel any play, all the bearings are engaged.

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Here is a recent piece I cut. Tolerances are consistent and good enough to allow press fit assembly without needing glue.


Well if you get press fit tolerances, maybe your table is just louder than most. I wouldn’t worry.