How it started (2016), how it is now

The olllld core. Did some milling, printing, and lasering


Annnnd now we’re in the modern era :joy:
Stainless, 2x2’ work area, brushless makita. Almost ready to make some chips with it


Got one window in and couldn’t resist trying a test piece last night.

Belts were far too loose and the router took a bit of a ride thru the wood. Oops. I was nervous enough about making the first cuts that I put it off and found other things to do for a few days. There’s so many things I’ve forgotten about running a machine that I just took for granted.

Even though it has been 4-5 years, I still was able to get the z set just right. This is probably the thing I’m most pleased with :joy:

Bit of tuning and a few more test cuts are in the near future.

I originally started with the dw660. For this build I skipped the rt700x and went with a brushless Makita that I’m driving with a hardwired power supply. I don’t have the 700x to make comparisons, but there’s so much less heat and noise generated with this xtr01z.

Once it’s tuned a bit, I’m going to set up the z probe, sort the dual endstops, then get the spoil board surfaced. After surfacing, I’ll probably go with a pin system along with some kind of fence. I also want to figure out how to piggyback the laser onto the Makita.