How do I move the axis freely?

Hello All,
Finally built it, whew!. below is a pic(still got to do the wire management and finishing stuff).

My query:
I’m trying to move the x, y, and z-axis manually using the display controller or repetier host, but it doesn’t go below 0,0,0.
Is there any way with which I can move the axis freely to wherever I want and set that position as home(0,0,0)??

my bed area is 1000mm x 500mm. I have set the values in configuration.h file :
// The size of the print bed
#define X_BED_SIZE 900
#define Y_BED_SIZE 400

also, I have attached a screenshot of the repetier host printer config below. Please have a look at it too.

Where am I doing wrong here or what is the right way to go around the issue that I’m facing.

To sum it all up, I just need to control all the axis to wherever I want and set that position as home so that I can run the crown gcode from that position.
Forgive my lack of understanding regarding the technical stuff, I tried googling it out but didn’t find any clarity.


Most builds have zero in the upper right corner in your picture, makes it easier to get to the end mills. Basically your picture is looking at the back of the machine. Now for your starting zero, just move the carriage with the power off to that corner, then power up. Wherever you power up is zero. Which firmware are you running? The dual end stop firmware won’t allow negative moves, but the regular firmware doesn’t care.


Hey Thanks Barry,

The issue’s resolved. Turns out I was using the wrong firmware(from the marlin website).
I reflashed RAMPS with the right firmware from the github page.
Its working fine now.

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