How about modifying Sandify to generate 3D Printed String Art Designs

I came across these string ornament designs. Printables and they work really well printing without supports. Kind of fun to watch those strings print in midair. I even did one 6" in diameter & still worked perfectly. I decided to see if I could use this idea & make other string art designs & used the Stringart: Flower filled sewing pattern on this webpage String art - Wikipedia for a template to try. Another nice thing about these designs is the print times are not very long.

Here is what I came up with. Printables
Seems like sandify with some modifications might be able to create these. What do you think?

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I don’t think there is any chance of sandify being able to do that. For a few reasons. That is really neat though, and a sandify-like web app would be awesome, because it is mostly generated from basic geometry. IDK if it would be better to generate gcode, or stls for your slicer.

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I had a feeling it would not be possible but thought I would throw it out there in case there was a chance. Generating this in openscad with STL output would be ideal. I will ponder it some more. I am going to see if I can generate the strings with an array of point data to start with. I can then easily change which 2 points to use for each line. It is easy enough to get the length between points, generate a cube & angle they need to be drawn. I will use a width variable for the width of the cube. I almost have that worked out. That will get me a little further into it.

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I made some progress with this. I took out about 100 lines of openscad code by using an array of Points for the beginning and ending points. I can get different patterns by changing the offset from the 1st & 2nd point in the array. The original one I did is an offset of 16 & this one is an offset of 22. I also learned how to deal with vectors today. Using vectors helped me to get the correct rotation angle easier.

Here is a pretty cool one. I might be able to make something from this.
File:E8Petrie.svg - Wikipedia


If you aren’t already aware of her, have a bit of a search for 3dprint bunny on thangs or cults3d - she’s pretty much pioneered string printing and has taken it to mind blowing levels.

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If that is not wnat you used for your openscad code, you might take a look at the Mauer Rose equation.

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Thanks Peter & Robert for both of those links. I will take a look at them today. Meanwhile, the guy that I remixed & then remixed mine using that ub.scad library & made it simpler with easier parameters. I will also have to take a closer look at that libary. Openscad has a few libraries listed on their site now. OpenSCAD - Libraries