I probably shouldn’t be addicted to making stuff cause I’m not an engineer but i try anyway, I can’ help it. I’ve been working on this for about a week now (post printing) and I’ve got a lot to learn. I’ve reached the wiring stage (arrrgh %#_$##%) but I’ll get there eventually. I’m really impressed with Ryan’s work and especially with his willingness to share his talents freely. I’m building this straight by the book, 24 x 24 x 4, and so far everything fits like a glove. I should also mention that I’m having a lot of fun (I’m such a nerd).
I know it doesn’t help you but I have ordered different wires to make the dual stuff easier, but they were stuck in customs for a very long time. They just got released yesterday so I should have them soon. Hopefully the next makeaholics have a little easier time.
The current bundles already come with 4 endstops and wires. The new wires will just eliminate the need to make your own extensions. The dual bundle took off much faster than I could keep up with. I only listed them so a few people could test it. I currently sell dual’s 2 to one with any other bundle…But is is also the biggest issue from people getting in over there heads and not learning the easy stuff first.
Ok, I bought a Rambo 1.4 bundle with the end stop option and im having a little trouble with the stepper wiring.
I think ive figured out that i need 3 straight cables (one dupont connector on each end), and 2 “Y” cables (one dupont connector on one end and 2 on the other end). I received 5 of the first type (straight) cable. If my understanding is correct then I understand how that wiring configuration should work. Otherwise i need some help understanding how i should proceed. For example, should I be using the E0 and E1 connections rather than doubling up on the X and Y?
If you’re using dual endstops, you need 5 straight cables (4 conductors each). 5 motor drivers. E0 and E1 will be used for the extra x and y motors.
If you’re not doing the dual endstops, then you need to wire the x motors in series and the y motors in series. Look at the guides for the wiring. If you have some Dupont crimpers, the easiest is to just make the connections and use the straight cables as extensions.
Ryan can correct me if I’m wrong, but if you bought a rambo from him with his dual endstops wiring, he flashed the dual endstop version of Marlin. In this case, the simplest is probably to just wire the second X motor to E0 and the second Y to E1.
I have to apologize. As many times as i looked at the dual endstop page i did not notice the red “X2, Y2” notations in the pic. I know its annoying when it seems people dont look things up for themselves but honestly, sometimes the obvious just escapes the inexperienced. Thanks again.
Well, it works! and it works pretty good too. Now the hard part, training the operator. Im used to 3D printing, homing, bed leveling, etc. But this is a different animal and stuff you guys take for granted I dont understand. Worse than that, iI dont even know what it is that im missing. I just know from reading that it works differently.