Help X axis

No, if you have a fan already you should be good. I run without one.

I done it and its working good so far


hi ryan it began to do it again
i was cutting a 91.8 x 65 cm squeare and it cut it to 89.5 x 65 cm
was cutting 4 with out a problem but the last one was the problem
any ideas

Did you check the grub screws?

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yes its all ok ive even change the belt for a new one

or do you think the router is to heavy for the stepper im using a dewalt 611

The weight of the 611 should be fine. Are your leadscrews lubricated?

The problema is my X when it movés from left to right my lead screw is well lubricated

My next guess would be take the X belt off and see if your core is hard to move from left to right. If you overtightened the tension bolts this is exactly what would happen.

The core should move extremely easily and only be tightened to the point that the bearings just all touch. For a lot, that means no actual tension at all.

I can move it from left to right with no problem
A bit fast but if I do it slow it Jams a bit

I think I have to lubricante the bearings

If that is the case it would not move freely.

I can say if you think it moves super easy, then you have a stepper issue.

None of use can be there to check for ourselves, so you need to think critically here. Move each piece one at time and feel for binding of any form. If there are none, it is a stepper or electrical issue.

What stepers are you using, what oz/in are they rated for, are they warm after 20 minutes or so of use?

Steppers 17 Oz there from your store
And if I move it from left to right all ok but
Right to left I feel a bit of binding te stepper I ve change it from the Last time so is new so as the cables do you thing it might be the board

No since it moves.

Find out why. Does it do it with the belt off or not?

Did you see this one.

Yes the Belt is off

It does it random

That it is a bearing or tension issue.

Sounds like bearing.

Make sure it is actually random and not in the exact same spot on the beam.

Takes about 5 minutes to take all the bearings off and check.

Are you 100% sure you have good connections everywhere? A random loose connection could cause this issue