Help with OpenScad

This one is aimed at @azab2c or any of the others who understand OpenScad and how to program stuff there. I would like to create a template where I can add the values for my current cutting board and it then gives me the dxf/svg whatever to match.
Baiscally I want to be able to enter the dimensions of the board, the distance of the blood grove from the borders and the automatic placements (and maybe even variable dimensions) of the grips on the backside. Is something like it possible? I tried with parametric design in AutoCAD but could not figure out how to constrain the grips to half of the line.

Could you give me any pointers on how to do that in OpenScad? Or an easy fix in AutoCAD? :smiley:
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Do you want to use OpenScad for the sake of learning OpenScad, or are you mainly wanting to just achieve the goal of having a parametric cutting board design? Am not an OpenScad expert, I can see how to do this, but would personally sketch something like this in Fusion 360 (with Parametric variables). Happy to share how if that would help, let me know?

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I mainly want a parametric design, but I am even worse with Fusion than with AutoCAD in that alley… :sweat_smile: If I were able to figure out how to lock the grips in the middle I’d have my goal achieved, I think.

Discord streaming… Having a go at creating parametric design in Fusion 360, feel free to join and heckle/teach me…

Edit: Uploading a rec…

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I regrettably can’t join you since my smallest is sleeping in my lap. I also can’t teach you anything since I have never done anything like that in Fusion. :sweat: Sorry! Don’t worry though, altering the dxfs for the boards takes me like, 3 minutes. I just wanted to be lazy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately I’m not aware of a way to get overlapping polygons like you have on the bottom side handles. I did a symmetric difference, which sorta gets the same lines, but I don’t know what happens on the CAM side. With EstlCam you can pick lines manually if the logical closed curves don’t represent what you want.

OpenScad Code
outside_width = 350;
outside_height = 310;

groove_distance = 15;

handle_depth = 20;
handle_width = 120;
handle_radius = 10;
handle_stickout = 8;

difference() {
  square([outside_width, outside_height]);
  translate([groove_distance, groove_distance])
  square([outside_width-2*groove_distance, outside_height-2*groove_distance]);

translate([outside_width+50, 0])
disjunct() {
  disjunct() {
    square([outside_width, outside_height]);

    translate([0, outside_height/2])

  translate([outside_width, outside_height/2])
  mirror([1, 0, 0]) handle();

module handle() {
  hull() {
    translate([handle_depth-handle_radius, handle_width/2-handle_radius])

    translate([handle_depth-handle_radius, -handle_width/2+handle_radius])

    translate([-handle_stickout, -handle_width/2])
    square([1, handle_width]);

module disjunct() {
  difference() { children(0); children(1); }
  difference() { children(1); children(0); }

Very cool, thanks so much. I will try it tomorrow. <3

How I’m using Fusion 360, hope it helps. Feedback welcome/appreciated!


I’d like to mark a second solution. You guys are awesome, really. I now know how my parents and colleagues feel when they are watching me solve a problem for them on the computer/iPad whatever after watching you @azab2c … :smiley:

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Phillips Peremetric Cutting Board (46.0 KB)

I think I got everything you needed/wanted


Try this one. Broke it into 2 sketches. That way you can make it 2 different estlcam cuts easier

Phillips Peremetric Cutting Board (46.2 KB)

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Thanks, this “( Cutting_Board_Length / 2 ) - ( Handle_Length / 2 )” brought me on the right track for AutoCAD as well. Thank you as well! :slight_smile:

Okay, I used all your feedback to create a fully parametric version in AutoCAD that does not need any of the help lines. Thanks again to all of you. <3

Schneidebrett (24.6 KB)