Help using jackpot

Ok….I’m lost.

Please remember you are dealing with someone who is an illiterate when it comes to computer terms and working with any electronics.

I am using an older Surface laptop dedicated to run my CNC. I have the Jackpot all wired up and powered. I Tried to follow the initial setup instructions but nothing is happening. I entered SSID=FluidNC PASS=12345678 in the browser and get no response. What am I doing wrong?

Also…… Can the Jackpot be directly connected thru the USB.

My goal is to use gsender on a dedicated laptop to run my CNC. Before I broke it, my SKR board was run this way without gsender instead using Repetier. Repetier is ok for 3d printing but is lacking for CNC usage

Look at your available WIFI networks in the lower right corner of windows. You actually connect to the jackpot like you would your home wifi, it makes it’s own network. Cool for a tiny little chip right?!

You do not need a sender, the boards have one built in. Just save the file to the SD card and it will send it by itself.

Just call me DUMMY. Rereading the initial setup page I now realize what it is saying. Sorry for asking such a stupid question and thanks for an answer in old man (me) English.

It is working just fine. My iPad loads the network and everything comes up on the screen. Looks nice! But….it will not load on my laptop. It says it is ‘loading’ but never finishes. I think I remember reading somewhere that it is not compatible with Windows 11. True? Not a problem since the laptop will be dedicated to CNC use. Just need to confirm that before I reload windows 10.

No, no, no. It is not easy and I am not super good at putting thing concisely into words. Do not be hard on yourself this stuff is actually very complicated, we just try really hard to take out all guess work. IF something happens to go off course it is not always easy to find your way back.

If you have patience, we will get you there. There are a ton of really good people here that can help guide you to getting it going.

It is absolutely windows 11 compatible. I can triple check that later but there are a ton of setting that can mess with it. Do you get any sort of log in screen or anything? sometimes you need to hit “connect anyway”, this is because it is not an “internet” connection so it is trying to protect you.

:slight_smile: get what is the basis for the startup screen with the top line Dashboard FluidNC Tablet plus some stuff on the right but continuously says ‘loading’ at the top and nothing else happens.

I also finished setting up the end stops and stepper connections. I’ve got everything moving in the right direction and homing works……except….the y1 axis stepper wouldn’t work. Wiring and motor are ok. I had to replace the 2209 with one from my previously dead SKR and then it worked just fine. AT LEAST I WAS ABLE TO FIX THAT ISSUE,……:slight_smile:

Try opening up a new tab next to that one and go to and see if that works

Message came back that www, refused to connect.

Also….take a look ay the top line…….?

yes, that’s the captive portal.

This automatically pops usually when you connect to wifi networks where additional information is needed to log in, like when you are at a restaurant, etc. and they want you to agree to terms before allowing you to use the free wifi.

FluidNC WebUI has handlers implemented for that to make it easier for users to get to the WebUI, as it will generally pop right up for you without you having to navigate to it.

If responded, you likely entered it into a search bar instead of the address bar, or had extra spaces or something incorrect.

Then I’m not sure what to do. The picture below shows what I am doing.

Make sure you are still connected to the fluidnc wifi. becuase it is not internet it will kick you off unless you tell windows it is okay.

Still connected.

Hmm, that is the edge browser. I would say give chrome or firefox a try. I have never connected with edge.

When you connect keep an eye out for any info boxes that might pop up initially. Normally you will see something that says it is okay to connect. so go to your home wifi , and connect, after that go back to the fluidnc wifi to see if it happens.

Power off the jackpot in between as well that will reboot it cleanly. Not just the reset button.

Got it to connect! Not sure what I did, but it is working.


So I am having a similar problem. I just powered on my Jackpot for the first time, found the WiFi network “FluidNC” and Used the pw “12345678” and gotten “Bad Password” message. I’v tried “PASS=12345678” same error message “Bad Password” . This is happening on my Chromebook with Windows 11 if that helps. Please can someone advise me.

So I am having a similar problem. I just powered on my Jackpot for the first time, found the WiFi network “FluidNC” and Used the pw “12345678” and gotten “Bad Password” message. I’v tried “PASS=12345678” same error message “Bad Password” . This is happening on my Chromebook with Windows 11 if that helps. Please can someone advise me.

Can you start a new thread about this and please include a picture of your jackpot and esp so we know what we are working with.

This thread has been solved.